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Automated updates drive ad rev as first German traffic robot goes live

Written by Cecilia Campbell | Aug 21, 2020 3:08:00 PM

We're excited to welcome our first German traffic client, Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen. In July they went live with automatic traffic alerts for their audiences in and around Stuttgart. ZVW use traffic texts to support their advertising business.

The texts are published to a Staumelder (traffic jam alerts) section on the website, where users are presented with info on the latest disruptions as well as an option to select just their town. ZVW is monetizing from two to three ad placements on each article page, sold programmatically. The result: this page view driving content + ad calls are completely automatically generated. 

And they are popular with users. On Thursday Aug 20 e g, a traffic incident reported by our robot was the most read story on
(Meistgelesen = most read)