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How publishers leverage automated Traffic alerts

Written by Cecilia Campbell | Oct 9, 2020 2:51:00 PM


Pageviews & Programmatic. German regional publisher ZVW use traffic texts to support their advertising business. The texts are published to a Staumelder (traffic jam alerts, image right) section on the website, where users are presented with info on the latest disruptions aswell as an option to select just their town. ZVW is monetizing from two to three ad placements on each article page, sold programmatically. The result: this page view driving content + ad calls are completely automatically generated.



Paywalls & Speed. The automatedtraffic alerts are leveraged in other ways by other publishers. Swedish local group NTM use traffic updates as a benefit for paying subscribers, and behind the paywall they act as a retention tool. For Sweden's top breaking news site Aftonbladet (right), the instantly updated traffic alerts are all about beating the competition, especially local radio, in terms of speed. The page views generated support the publisher's advertising business.