Automated journalism customer cases | United Robots

Real time traffic updates drive page views, ad revenue

Written by Cecilia Campbell | Sep 15, 2020 11:52:00 AM

Problem solved: Automated (road) traffic updates drive (site) traffic and automated ad impressions in southern Germany.

The challenging traffic situation around German metropolis Stuttgart had long been a top priority for regional publisher ZVW, based in the town of Waiblingen just east of the city. With United Robots’ Traffic robot, the publisher spotted a way to provide a much needed real time traffic service to its readers. The Staumelder (traffic jam alerts) section on the website was launched in the summer of 2020.  Users are presented with info on the latest disruptions as well as an option to select just their town. 

Immediately after launch, ZVW saw a surge in SEO generated reach and consumption of traffic information. The Staumelder section soon represented up to 20 percent of the total ZVW site traffic. 

ZVW is monetizing from two to three ad placements on each article page, sold programmatically. The result: this page view driving content + ad calls are completely automatically generated.

After evaluating a few months of operation, ZVW decided to expand the traffic service and are now covering geographical areas in a much further afield, including for example the city of Frankfurt. As a result, the Staumelder section of now often constitutes 40 percent of the total ZVW reach.