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Real estate texts convert 2% of readers at Gota Media

Swedish local media group Gota Media use automated real estate articles as part of their reader revenue strategy. With a conversion rate of 2%, the Real Estate Robot is currently the best converting byline across the group's ten news sites.

Gota Media's Head of Production Development Peter Sigfridsson says: “Publishing automated real estate texts from the Land Registry listings has been a great success for Gota Media. It adds value to the listings, which we know readers are interested in. We're currently further elevating the homes & living content on our news sites, with the automated real estate texts as a foundation." To this end, the real estate robot provides a solid content base for the publisher – in January it produced 1,667 articles. The figure for 2020 as a whole was 17,778, equivalent of 7% of all published articles.

In 2020, Norwegian regional title Bergens Tidende, launched a Home Sales section on their website, entirely populated with automated content. The real estate articles now generate a steady revenue stream. Six months after launch BT has converted some 500 subscribers from the 7000 articles published. Read more in our Playbook about the BT case.

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